Entretenimento - Animator X Animation 2
por: Alan Becker made this! Colaboração do Ir:. Roland - Badenia
*Animation vs. Animation 2*
Animated by Alan Becker (not me) using Flash (Dont ask me how to get it: buy it or use illegal means).

I do not know how to get the weapons: i think you have to create (or use other peoples work) and animate them.

You may have seen many videos like this before thats because its very famous, and it spread around the internet quickly.

Alan Becker is the one than takes credit: NO YOUTUBE OR NEWGROUNDS/WATHEVER can take credit unless they are Alan.
Corretagem (seguros)
(41) 3015-34-05 -
Rua Antonio Escorsin, 1650, salas 21, 22 e 23 - - Curitiba / Paraná / Brasil - CEP
Falar com Fernando Antonio Allessi