Economia - Wealth Management Research - Economic Research

UBS Wealth Management Research reviews and analyzes the global economy and presents a broad analysis of specific economic topics to establish an understanding of the current and future investment environment. An in-depth analysis of each countrys economy is provided, which focuses on large developed markets and large emerging markets. Additionally, insights on economic growth, inflation, interest rates and foreign currencies are also provided.

Associação - Missão - Fortalecer pessoas, famílias e comunidades.
55 11 5696.9600 - Cel: 55 11 96953.0084 - Nextel: 55 11 7790.7957 - ID: 55*126*6328 -
Rua Florenville, 280 - Santo Amaro - São Paulo / São Paulo / Brasil - CEP 04745-080
Falar com Ir.'. Walid Toghlobi - Presidente e Edney Roberto Delgado - Secr. Executivo da ACM de Santo Amaro